


   As I have watched NASCAR, I have become familiar with many people besides the drivers. Pit members, crew chiefs, PR people, and yes, wives. One of the most known wives has to be DeLana Harvick. None of the other wives have been as involved with the sport or their husband’s team. That’s what sets her apart from the others. She became more known to me after the “Fire suit in the family” comment was made, and that’s when I noticed that DeLana is a lot like my sister, Jen.

   Both are very strong, smart, independent woman. It was genius for DeLana to think of putting Joey’s comment on a T-Shirt and sell them to raise money for the Harvick’s foundation! I know if my sister was put in that situation, she would have done the same. Both certainly are not going to let the man make all the decisions. They’re also not very “frou-frou”. Seeing how similar they are, I decided to peg a nickname on my sister: JeLana. It’s a morph of the two names with my sisters first initial “J” replacing the “D” in DeLana’s name. I told my sister about it and at first she didn’t understand, since she doesn’t watch NASCAR. I then explained it to her and she thought it was cool.  
   Now, Jen and DeLana are both new moms. My sister’s daughter, Isla and DeLana’s son, Keelan are only two weeks apart, and it’s not only been interesting to see the two babies change, but also the moms. Here are two women who were all business, but now they have a “softer” side.

Here’s what I mean. DeLana tweeted this comment close to Easter: “Honest to God, I have no idea who I am... I'm perusing the aisles for Easter basket contents!!! And I don't want to slit my wrists.” Apparently, before motherhood, DeLana wasn’t into the sentimental. My sister was same the way, but now they have a new perspective. They both enjoy shopping for children’s’ holiday items all because of their little bundles of joy.

Here’s another tweet from DeLana: “When my day starts off with a kiss and a hug from Keelan there's a 100% chance nothing better could happen...” DeLana doesn’t strike me as a person who would have said that before about a baby. My sister certainly wasn’t! But now, when it comes to their babies, they feel the same way.

Over the last 10 months, I’ve seen a new look on their face. A look I haven’t seen before. It’s the joy motherhood has brought them and it’s pretty cool to see.

So as I close, I have to say, I’ve found it interesting how NASCAR affects my life. My sister and I are 13 years apart, so it is hard for us to relate, but because of these similarities, I’ve gotten to understand my sister better. So thank you NASCAR and thank you DeLana.